
When I hit the ground



3 Years
06-06-2017, 11:12 AM

Heather listened to her father completely. All while letting the thoughts sink into her head as she shifted a bit. She didn't know if she was going to be able to run the pack as smoothly or confidentaly as her father. For the most part of her life they'd been in peace with other packs. After all - she'd heard packs came and went and guess what Fiori was still standing. However, still standing meant mundane and stale. Her ears twitched over the thought of creating presence. It was easily screwed up as well - if she did not have the skills to back up words she'd look like a bafoon. That was the least of her worries.

A second in command, her heart jumped for a moment. Her father really did have it rough. She'd always thought that and yet somehow he ended up juggling all of these things. Spending time with her and her siblings - mourning over their mother. Heather herself she'd been trying, trying so hard to concentrate on her training and on getting better. At times it was hard to tell who she even was. Was she fit to lead? She didn't know, but did she want to - that was a given. Perhaps with Lionel and the other high ranks she would be just fine.

"I've tried getting to know all the pack but it's hard when everyone's doing their own thing. I've seen faces at meetings but haven't connected them to names." she mumbled on as she looked forward. "Lionel is trustworthy, sound as well - he's definitely a wolf who I'd want in the higher ranks to support me. We made a promise to each other besides." she wasn't too happy about her sister leaving. Regardless of her not knowing her very well - the thought made her brain hazy. "I truthfully don't think I'll be able to run the pack like you have. At least in a sense, I've always loved Fiori and what it stands for. It's been a place of peace ever since I was born, maybe with a few hiccups along the way. Me standing as queen I'd only hope that I support its integrity like you have." Her eyes fluttered over her father. She trusted herself, but not to the point where she'd do a perfect job. Because.... where ever she went when she wasn't here - she was certain she hurt people.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.