
Why is everything so heavy



3 Years
06-06-2017, 11:21 AM

She'd been... thinking. Heather didn't know quiet what about, maybe life in general maybe just trying to direct her thoughts. She'd gone around the border a thousand times and since that man crossed over the border she'd been furious. It meant something bastardly was going down as far as she was concerned. Nobody thought they'd do anything so they waltz straight on in, impaired or not. Heather's tail lashed about just thinking about it - unamused and disliking of the feeling that bubbled in her chest. Ignoring it she covered her face with her paws - she should be working, training something at least. Maybe she would head over to the battlefield to stretch her legs.

Her father's call interupted her thinking though, the princess raising herself as she stretched. Maybe she was in trouble, for not being around. Regardless she let the thought pass and she hurried over. Seeing Arch and Alfred, he was still looking a bit down. Heather smiled, he paws pressing forward she pushed into his side. A gesture of esteemed affection in her case as she always seemed to have a fighting battle with her brother and herself in her head. She didn't have to say a word she brushed over his ear with the bottom of her jaw. She wouldn't be able to handle losing another sibling if she could help it. She at least knew Alfred a bit better.

After such greetings, she pushed herself up to sit beside her father. A place she felt she should be. Pressing her shoulder to his she gave him a quick nuzzle. Well wasn't she affectionate this morning. Heather didn't know - her mind was reeling with life questions and the like.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.