
The Great Escape



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2017, 12:58 AM

He and his family were still trying to figure out just where exactly they were going to set up their headquarters. The southern lands appeared to be far more barren than any other lands in the region, so that's where the Abraxas were focusing their efforts in. Archon and his siblings had been charged with scouting out the area to determine what place would suit them best. That night the young prince had been drawn to the beach, giving him a sense of deja vu from when the family had a meeting at a beach like this just a few moons back. He hadn't had much in mind upon stumbling across the beach, simply wanting somewhere to relax for a moment after having been busy all day. His dark figure didn't stand out against the rock side he strode along side, so he wasn't surprised that the silver woman completely missed the fact that he was nearby, far too enthralled by the cave that seemed to be calling her name.

Archon hadn't had much excitement that day so he was quick to seize the opportunity that had presented itself to him just then. Massive paws pulled the hellion in the direction that the silver wench had disappeared to, bright gaze examining the pawprints she'd left behind in the sand. Senses were alert as he stepped into the mouth of the cave, nostrils flaring as he tasted the air. Salt, water, ocean plant life...and female. Cool ocean water splashed around his dark limbs, but he dared not move any farther into the cave. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like he would be able to fit his massive body in much farther, so instead of possibly getting himself stuck, he stayed at the entrance where he would be able to corner his prey much more easily.

He observed the woman he'd come across, making no noise to give away his presence. The moon shone down on the beach, illuminating the beast as he stood at the mouth of the cave. The moonlight made his pelt shimmer like a simmering fire. A sneer twisted his dark lips, knowing that he would certainly be a sight to behold once the woman realized he was there.

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