
kiss of the bay



1 Year
06-07-2017, 11:05 AM

stars are only visible in darkness

The places Saint found himself at. It was both intriguing and just this side of terrifying, he wondered where he could have ended up at if he had just let his paws keep going. Well, in a sense that question was already answered because look where he was now. Lost and alone. 'How sad.' His ears fell back as he turned his head back down the path he had taken, tracing and following the prints in the sand out until he couldnt see them anymore. He became very aware of the silence and the slight chill in the air, specifically at his sides. Maybe this was all supposed to mean something, be grateful for what you have, cherish your loved ones and all that stuff. Except what lesson would the adolescence learn from that? He already was grateful and cherished his loved ones as much as he knew how and yet still, he got screwed over again by fate or his own crud luck. Maybe was mother was right...

Caught in his own head Saint tried to get out of it by focusing on his surroundings, the white sand almost looked like snow if you thought hard about it, the bay winds and it being winter made the area colder than it ever should be. His dual-colored eyes stared at the strange trees that seem to grow out of the water, it made him a bit uncomfortable looking at the roots, or trunks, or whatever they were, seem to disappear beneath the water surface. A masked face then trailed up the water line and down the bay to see a large dark wolf, Saint was unaware of the other wolf in the brush. Being one to always introduce himself first he gave a short bark and called a greeting to the large dark wolf. "Enjoying the water?" Saint's head tipped to the side a little and his ears were pulled forward.

and i,

i feel so alive