In need of womb/family to birth my character
06-07-2017, 10:19 AM
Technically, he is from another game. He is my felvarg over on deviantart, buttt he's so beautiful and I love him and I have never ever roleplayed him.
He has really long, flowing fur. He is almost purely golden.
This would be the image for his adult table but I could make another for a puppy version.
He is a voyager, so he might not stay with the family for long. HOWEVER.
It would be super awesome if he was born into royalty. On felvargs, his mother is the.. most famous felvarg to ever exist. He left her early to go make his own name, not wanting to live in her shadow. He loves her and wants to make her proud by finding his own way. A similar story would be neat!
Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.
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