
That's right, I said more babies


5 Years
Athena I
06-28-2013, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2013, 10:14 AM by Meili.)
(I dunno if there's still pups to apply for, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway ^_^)

Name: Phoebe

Personality: As a pup, Phoebe is very quiet and reserved. While she does open up from time to time to play with her siblings, most of the time she can be found quietly observing the going ons around the Tortuga territory. She doesn't often speak unless she thinks it is necessary, but if given the chance she will ask as many questions as she can think of. She's a natural sponge for all the information she can get her little paws on.

As she grows older, Phoebe retains that drive to learn and her gentle, quiet nature, though she does come out of her shell a bit. She will always stop to assess a situation and consider the outcome of various actions before she takes them. Phoebe would rather sit back and watch something happen to learn from it than be in the middle of the mess, but if the occasion arises that she is needed or one of her family needs protection, she will not hesitate to act. She cares deeply for all of her siblings, her parents, and the rest of the pack equally. The pack is her world and she wants nothing more than to use the knowledge she has been quietly collecting for years to better it.

Appearance: As a puppy, she is a little smaller that most. She is naturally built thinner with longer legs that make her naturally very clumsy. She is very awkward, but still naturally beautiful with her piercing gray eyes.

As she matures, It is easy to tell that Phoebe is built for thinking and not for fighting. She has grown past her awkward puppy phase into a beautiful adult. The rest of her body caught up to her long legs, but she is still built thinly. She has a well shaped head that showcase her intelligent eyes that are a deep, smoky gray color. She stands out from her siblings with her fur that is a mix of dark gray, light russet, and cream with her legs and face being a pale, off-white color. The top of her head and ears are mostly the rusty red color with that color dappling throughout her coat.

Alliance: Lawful Neutral

RP sample: "Why do the trees grow leaves? ..... Why do we eat other animals while they eat grass? ..... Why does it get cold in the winter and warm in the summer? ....." These were just a few of the questions that plagued Phoebe today and she would ask anyone and everyone who would listen. The young pup was an endless fountain of questions. She knew the wolves around her grew tired of her constant questions, she could see it in their expressions and the way some of the wolves avoided her, but she couldn't help herself. She sighed as she laid neatly under a tree, her paws tucked under her and her head resting on the ground in front of her. Her ears flicked as she listened to the pack life around her and watched the wolves going about their daily duties.

A little ways away she saw her siblings in a tangle, play fighting as usual. She watched as one overtook the other, pinning them to the ground. A second later the "victor" of that round bounced off playfully with their head held high, only to be tackled again by the other pup. Phoebe had been watching them play for weeks like this and knew every winning move either of them had made. She lifted her head and looked down at her thin body and mentally knew that even though she knew exactly what to do to beat them in a play fight, she couldn't execute it. Her thoughts were so far beyond her years, but had no idea of this. She thought every wolf thought and processed like she did. She rested her head on the grass again and continued to watch and learn, hoping that one day she could join her siblings in the fight.

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