
Losing Track of Time [Ashy Sibs]



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2017, 10:20 PM

Ashiel's protest fell on deaf ears. Asharya pushed forward as close as she could, watching in delight as the ridiculous creature flopped onto the ground. Ashi called it an ugly, awful thing but Asharya begged to differ. "This this is awwweesome! Where did you find it, Mama? Will you take us?" Her Mama reached forward and hooked it with a paw, dragging it farther away. Asha's tiny jaw dropped in horrified dismay. What? They hadn't been bad! Or- wait, no! It was Ashi that had been bad and now Mama was going to take away her toy because she had been the victim of his heinous crime?!

This was an outrage!

Pyralis scooped it up, and it was hardly off the ground before Asharya was on her. The young girl clamped down as hard as should could on the woman's tail, doing her best to lock up her legs and hold her Mama still. "F'ou can' do 'is!! 'Ifs all-" She spat out the tail, jounced off as she was by her mother's stride. She resumed her attack on her ankles, doing her best to nip and pull and doing her best not to get kicked in the face. "You can't! You can't, it's all Ashi's fault, he pushed me! I was just watching the fishies an' he pushed me and I chased him 'cuz he's rotten but I didn't mean to, please, I swear I'll be good if we get the monster bird, I swear!"

She paused her assault only long enough to send her brother a murderous glare. He had done this! Oh, she was gonna get him back, he would just have to wait and see! She sat down, utterly defeated. Asharya hiccuped but she wouldn't cry. Abraxas were gods and gods didn't cry! She sat up straight and puffed out her chest, blue eyes having become glittering jewels of that uniquely childlike rage. Her brother was going down!

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: begin Prank Warâ„¢ >.>

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox