
Black Ice



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
06-08-2017, 08:21 PM
There is hope within despair

Brandr's nostrils flared as he continued trying to pin down the source of the scent. The boy talked as he tracked. He was surprised to learn that this boy was one of Storm's, but then he probably should have seen the similarities. It seemed likely that he was a littermate to Corentine then. Brandr grinned as the boy mentioned that he was planning on becoming Primo someday. Brandr did not know how the lines of succession worked in Abaven. If it was anything like the pack he belonged to the heir was almost always of direct descent of the alpha but perhaps the rules were different here and he certainly didn't want to squash the pups dream. "That's going to take quite a lot of work, have you been training hard?" He was about to say more when the wind shifted in his favor and he focused in on the source of the scent.

Not far off a prairie chicken was nestled in the snow, so deep it was barely visible among the frosted skeletons of grasses. Brandr crouched down and eyed the bird, the creature seemed to have realized it'd been spotted but as it took off Brandr sprang forward, snagging hold of the flailing, feathery mass. He slammed the creature into the ground stunning it long enough for him to readjust his grip and snag the chicken around the neck. A few more minutes and it was over. Brandr trotted back over to Tyrannis with a grin on his face before setting the bird down. "What do you say we take this back to the densite? I bet your mother might enjoy a snack."