
Don't Fake This


06-28-2013, 10:29 AM

If it were possible she would have blushed with embarrassment. Ears tentatively pushed forward as the brute spoke, apologizing, claiming it to be his fault. "Oh no, I should have been paying more attention." She offered a small smile, standing up to flick the debris off her tail. Thoughts were flustered, scrambling to get themselves back in order. How foolish of her to not be paying attention, he could have attacked her and being so far from home would have left her vulnerable. She was by no means a fighter, knowing only enough to defend herself. "I'm Rayne." She offered up her name in hopes of soothing the embarrassment they both felt. Of all the ways to meet someone. Nose twitched, picking up his scent, it was vaguely familiar. Seracia? Yes. The pack had just been to Valhalla for the wedding. Perhaps he had attended. There were so many new faces at the gathering that it was hard to pinpoint just one, and she had been hanging back, avoid Erani's icy looks. The two hadn't been as warm since Rayne had spoken to her at the border, she had been hesitant to ask to resume her training. Instead she gathered herbs, at least the ones that she knew, building up her own little stock. Eyes remained fixated on the golden pools of the brute, still uncertain of whether he was upset or not.

"speech" thought