
2 Wreckage pups for readoption



2 Years
06-09-2017, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 09:22 PM by Akahito.)
OOC name: Croatoan

Name: Derecho

Gender: Female

Design: #4 with slight eye change (left eye being light blue)

Personality: From the beginning, it seems like Derecho has been a terror to anything and everyone, and rightfully named. She's never afraid to get down and do whatever she wants, and doesn't really believe in having others do it for her. Really, she believes that if she really wants or needs something, that she should do it herself if she's able to. Sometimes, it's a bit hard for her to figure out what she needs and wants, but she'll get through just fine. She always has.

Derecho has a lot of fight in her. A force that comes from somewhere, she isn't sure, but it makes her want to push down any and every boundary. Maybe, either because of selfishness or a fierce independence, she wants to be the one to make a difference. She can be a bit loud, or a bit rude, but she wants to make her mark on the world. Despite this, at first, she won't trust male creatures; her brothers are excluded from this, of course, since she has known them from birth, but any other will have to work hard to gain her trust.

Derecho has no doubt that one day, everyone will know her name. Intense and lively, she knows that she will make some sort of mark on the world, and she hopes that the word "female", or almost anything else, will fade from it entirely. She wants to be remembered as a living storm, one that takes hold of her life and lives it to the fullest, without any creed or family bond. She won't go so far as to drop her family name, but she will become much more than just someone in the Wreckage family. She's sure that she will.

Due to her bipolar disorder, Derecho has occasional manic episodes or depressive episodes. They never last long, only staying for a few hours, and it's rare that she has them. Not once a year rare, but occasional episodes that leave her feeling tired, and possibly leaves anyone around her feeling tired as well. Her manic episodes are usually the same, more or less. Hurricane feels incredibly happy, hyperactivity, and little need for sleep. Her mind races during these episodes, and may make her speech rushed and inaudible. At times, she may be extremely irritable, but those times are far and few between.

Derecho's depressive episodes, if possible, makes her even more tired than her manic episodes do. These episodes leave her with extreme sadness, and an immense need for sleep, as if she will never have enough sleep. During these times, things she usually enjoyed will be viewed with a lack in energy and interest. Most things will be, really. She'll also have extremely feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.

Derecho doesn't truly have a way of coping with her episodes. When it comes right down to it, she'll never talk about them.

RP Sample:

Today was one of the days that Derecho was practically a ball of energy. They didn't come around often, but this one was leaving her restless and eager to do something. Anything would be good. Her mismatched eyes were focused on the area outside of the den as she stood, trying to ignore the energy that surged through her for the time being. Her gaze turned towards her siblings, and her mother, all nestled up into a ball. It was too early to go out; the sun hadn't even risen, but surely, if she didn't go far, she'd be okay, right?

Her gaze watched her siblings for just  moment longer, before she edged towards the entrance of the den. She wanted to dart out, but with how close she was to her family, she had no doubt that she'd wind up disturbing every one of them, and that's something she didn't want to do. Especially since getting caught was the last thing that she wanted. It meant that she'd have to head back into the den and waste her energy. Making up her mind, she edged a few more steps, her pace quicker this time. A few pawsteps away, she glanced back towards her siblings making sure that she hadn't disturbed any of them. One of them rolled over; in the darkness, Hurricane wasn't sure who, but she froze, heart racing as she fell still. It seemed as if they would be able to her her racing heart.

After what seemed like forever, it was still and silent again, and Derecho turned her attention towards the entrance of the den. It was so pretty outside, and it seemed as if it were calling to her. Without a second thought, she darted into the darkness. The morning dew was new, and clung to the fur on her paws, making her the slightest bit uncomfortable. Not that she would go inside just because of a few droplets clinging to her. She was better than that. She was going to be a storm one day; she would be a legend, and legends didn't let anything hold them back. Neither was she going to; not even her family. But, for now, she supposed that she could wait to put her plan into action.

It would take a while for her to become a legend. One day wasn't going to change anything. Pushing back her thoughts, for now, she raced round in the grass outside of the den, forgetting to keep an eye out for the sky. While she was still as quiet as she could be, that wasn't very quiet; the thundering of her paws could have been enough for the others to wake up to. It wasn't until the sun started casting everything in a golden light did Hurricane realize how much time she had spend outside. Circling around a few more times, she cast a wary glance at the sky before heading inside the den. She'd be lucky if her family was still asleep.

As she entered the den, she let out a quiet sigh of relief; her luck hadn't run out yet. Not today.