
Hold My Hand, Oh Baby It's A Long Way Down To The Bottom Of The River



11 Years
Dragon Mod
06-10-2017, 01:16 AM

The pack was quiet, and things felt...unsettled. Quake was growing anxious, and to be honest he wasn't sure why they were still here. Until they decided what to do though, here they would stay. He was on his way out of the lands when he saw a flash of red a few yards away, continuing his pace, he turned to see one of his pack mates heading towards the border through the trees. And being the nosy old man he was, he figured he'd tail her a bit and engage her in a chat like old men so annoyingly liked to do. However, as he drew closer to his unsuspecting target, something else fluttered by on the wind. A scent, that was not Abaven. Crimson eyes narrowed, and as he drew closer while remaining out of sight, he saw three figures. One was the woman he had tailed, the second was one of Storm's pups, and the third was..."Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He mused to himself. A slight grin creased his lips as he continued ahead, keeping his distance until he was out of the border lines.

Once beyond pack boundaries, he circled around before setting his course back towards the trio. If someone wanted to trespass, then they wouldn't get out so easy, right? After all, what pack in their right mind would just...let someone walk in and explore? He would approach, the intruder's back to him as he assessed the situation further. "Welcome!" He greeted, stance tall as his gaze bored into the stranger. "I see you're here for a tour of our lands! Let me assist you, would be a shame if you came all this way and didn't get the full experience, now would it?" His tone was half serious, half humorous as he eyed the trespasser, the male stopping to potentially block her way out.
