
Roseus' Champion



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-10-2017, 03:33 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 01:13 AM by Dragon.)

So my girl Roseus (profile can be found Here needs her long time bestie/boyfriend/crush/bro idek. Basically, they met when he found her almost dead in a canyon after her ordeal (which can be found in her history), and the pair have been together ever since. They met when they were both barely a year (maybe a few months older than that, idk) and he nursed her back to health and they're pretty much inseparable. This male is protective of her and helps her out a lot especially since it's hard for her to do some things like hunt properly thanks to her missing leg, and might even sometimes treat her like a kid because of her handicap.

What I'd like for a plot with them, is the pair not realize that they like each other. She has a crush on him, and he has a crush on her, but they don't know it until things begin to surface during certain situations. For example, if one talks about someone they think/thought was cute, then the other gets jealous/internally hurt or whatever, which let's be honest, is probably true for some of us, or was in our high school days lol. I want it to be a sort of innocent love, like a Hinata crush on Naruto thing (if you've ever watched that). Eventually, they may begin to realize that they do indeed love each other, after all, he has saved her countless times from other hostile rogues or predators, and other dangerous situations. She of course, appreciates him for everything he has done for her and has throughout the years they've been together. Maybe something that would be interesting is if one of them finds someone they really like (before they realize they love each other), and just before accepting becoming someone else's mate, the other can't bear to see him/her being with someone else and at last confesses their feelings (like a "speak now or forever hold your peace" kinda thing).

I dunno if I'm even explaining this right, it's late and i'm tired lol.

So basically what I want for this male, is he should be around the same alignment as her, nice, protective, brotherly, etc. Maybe qualities like Meliodas and elizabeth from 7 deadly sins. They're also both roughly the same age, though I won't mind if he is a season or two older.

He should also be kinda normal looking, maybe a bit exotic with stripes or fangs or something, but no crazy colors please, i'm kinda partial to browns/russets and white but feel free to make your own look. Roseus despite her odd glowing floral markings, is more or less normal looking.

I do have a few designs that you can pick from, but feel free to make your own! You can also make minor edits, like eye color as well~


(Ignore the purple, it was supposed to be white >.>)

3, 4, 5.






RP Sample: (feel free to use Rose in it as well, since more than likely he won't be anywhere without her)
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.