
Good day for death to strike



06-28-2013, 11:35 AM


Cross saw Kairos coming in out of the corner of his eye. By now the white pup was old enough to understand the roles of family and know that he was technically Kairos's uncle. Weird, weird world.-But! Cross still just preferred to think of his sister Keki's kids as his cousins. After all, they were older than him by a few weeks, which, at their age, seemed plenty long enough.

Cross was focused on getting an answer from his assigned pupsitter, and her reply blew him out of the water. "Snow Waaaaaarrr!" Cross shouted. He didn't even stop to see if Mercianne was joining in or if Ithurial was gonna lay out any rules. His mind was already brainstorming battle plans. His head was already ducking and weaving. "Come on Kairos! That makes us partners!"

He'd push his cousin if he had too, just so long as he'd get moving! Cross made a break for the cave entrance - flinging himself through the snow drifts on legs that had gotten surprisingly strong during his travels with his Mom. He waited until he was pretty sure he was out of earshot of the den and then exclaimed to his chosen partner "Remember the place where we had the mud wars? Remember the fallen log?!" Cross was making a snow-flying bee line towards that little spot in the woods. And if Kairos was as fast with his mind as he was with his feet, then Cross wouldn't have to elaborate further. He was thinking that it was the perfect place for an ambush. Logs, trees, brush snow. All they had to do was get there before those slow grown ups.
