



7 Years
06-12-2017, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 05:48 PM by Ruthgar.)

He walked…Well no- he wandered- away from the Maw, his expression despondent. He hadn’t said a word since he heard the news that Chaos had disbanded Crew and that the pack he had hoped he could safely raise his children in was no more. He didn’t know if the girl- whatever the fuck her name was- was still following him or not and some small part of him knew that if she wasn’t he would need to find her again, but for now the only thing he felt was crushing depression. His hips dropped to the black beach first before his chest followed, the tide however had yet to come in and the frigid sea water simply lapped at the tip of his paws before receding.

It was all supposed to be so perfect, he was finally going to have children, and they were never going to go hungry a day in their lives, or be afraid that some predator might gobble them up and now….Now that wasn’t going to happen. He was a loner again, a vagabond whose next meal might come by sunrise or in two weeks. He had shit stirred all the packs in the East, so there was no chance of finding refuge there, and the rest…well…They just didn’t suit him, and they never would, not in the same way Crew had. If anything they all rang too closely of Orsus’s pack and the ones that didn’t reminded him of Isis’s pack, and he had just recently concluded that both of them could get fucked. Joining one of those packs would mean changing, and he was quite frankly done with that. He took a deep breath and sighed, closing his eyes. What if something happened hile she was giving birth? What if he couldn’t find enough food to keep her and the pups fed? He could feel a stress headache forming over his temples. Why did nothing ever work out the way he planned?

