
And so it begins


06-28-2013, 02:19 PM

The night was just around the corner by the looks of it. The girl had been out looking for food and now she was just plain bored in a way. The large 32 inch tall lady with a bulky body had arrived at the silent cavern to hear a noise of another wolf. She nearly looked like a stalker how she watched the boy for a few moments before deliberate stepping on a twig for it to snap. She wasn't in the position where he would be able to scent her so this was the best way to show him that she was here besides talking to him. Vahva shook her blue mane as her red eyes starred at him after he got in the water. Entering the place looking up at the hole in the cave the darkness giving off a moonlight like glow. Well there was nothing spooky about that was there? Definitely not.

"What are you doing in a freezing cold pool of water?" She asked in a bit of a snappy tone. She was just confused, but she meant no harm. In fact that was just how Vahva was, in the end she was the one giving attitude to whoever she knew. She would have fit perfectly as a princess if that had been possible. If it weren't for the constant feeling that she was being watched. "You'll die if you stay in that too long." She noted crouching near the pool, flicking her tail. Showing no signs of wanting to attack him because she obviously didn't want to.
