
Crunch crunch crunch...


06-13-2017, 01:50 AM

Neptune's huge paws crunched through the snow rather noisily no matter how hard he tried to keep them from doing so. Not that he thought anyone was around besides the buffalo to hear his loud, clumsy feet anyway, but it still made him a bit self conscious. Neptune did his best to tune out the obnoxious crunching as he walked while he hoped that winter wouldn't last too much longer. He didn't mind the cold that much. He had lived in the north for a long time while he was little so he was pretty used to it. And his fur was pretty thick. But the snow was so annoying!

He stopped for a second and looked around. The thought of someone being around her hear his pawsteps made him wonder if there was actually someone there that he hadn't noticed yet. He was noticeable from a mile away with his blue-hued fur and huge size, but maybe there was someone with all white fur that could hide really easily! He wondered if there were any green wolves out there that could hide really well in the springtime when all the grasses and trees were grown in and pretty. Surely there was somewhere in the world. While he was musing and pondering these things he completely forgot about looking for other wolves and kept going on his way, crunching all the while.

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