
Crunch crunch crunch...



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12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-13-2017, 03:50 AM

She wanted to do it, but couldn't. She couldn't leave her beloved buffalo that she had grown up with every day. Not that the herd accepted her as one of their own, but to her they were precious. They were all she really had day in and day out of her life. Even though there were fewer now that the snow was covering the world, they were still here, and as long as they were here, than so would she be. That morning, she had rolled out of the den and walked as quietly as she could through the snow, though even with her efforts her paws would crunch lightly in the snow. Ears flicked as the small herd groaned in the distance, seemingly restless though she wasn't sure why.

Maybe they ached to wander like she did. Maybe they were tired of staying in one she did. Yet here they remained, some of them, anyway. Just like her. Molten gaze wandered towards them once in a while, though she kept her distance, they were used to her presence around them. Still, she didn't dare get underfoot. She knew that if they grew angry or protective, they could trample her beneath them as if she were no more than a bug. The sky was grey, cold, cloudy. It made the world around her almost quiet, the only sound were that of the buffalo and her own footsteps, which...oddly began to sound louder. She slower her pace, the crunch of the snow not sounding any quieter. Brows furrowed a bit, head tilting slightly as she listened. The footsteps Were they even hers?

She stopped where she was, the girl standing still as she stood tall and listened. The crunching continued, but it definitely wasn't from her. She looked around, molten gaze searching for the source until she spotted something. Not far from her, she spotted something moving. Or...someone? She rubbed her eyes with a foreleg, taking a second good look. Were her eyes playing tricks on her? Was that...was the snow moving? Was it a type of snow creature!? She took several steps closer, quietly trying to follow. She tentatively sniffed the ground where the other foot steps were, noting that they were much larger than her own. Not only that, but it smelled like a wolf! Lifting her head, her tail wagged. "Hey! Hey Big Blue!" She called out. While she didn't know the others name, Big Blue sounded fitting considering his larger bulk and fur color.

"Talk" "You" Think
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