
I Walk Alone...



06-28-2013, 11:46 AM
ooc: Skim read posts out of laziness so excuse me if I left some stuff out.

A low growl was sent to Augustus who had come up to the male like she had, yes she heard his words but it still brought a growl of irritatin from her jaws. Loccian turned away from the male to stand before her nephew, ears back, tail up and lashing behind her. There was disappointment in her eyes. You will be silent. You are only a yearling, you may be able to defend yourself but only to younger wolves. This is no place for you. Head home now or I will force you. She warned him. The shewolf would not let this child tell her, even if he was Octavian's son. His actions would bring the rough side of his aunt out.

When she had finished though the male behind her spoke up, causing her head to turn and rise, being held leveled as she glared at him. As he explained who he was the woman did not soften her gaze, not even when he mentioned his pack being wiped out. She would not feel bad for him now after his actions.

At last he finished, asking them to do with him what they wished. Loccian blew air through her nose as she rose, standing straight with her tail still held up and ears back. Squall Leonhart. She spoke his name with a slight hiss, but turned her head to looked to Augustus, giving him a small nudge to get moving. We will be leaving you here. No punishment for I wasn't here to see what happened exactly between you and my brother. She took a step back, turning her gaze onto him. Icy, threatening. I am Loccian, Contessa of Seracia. My brother whom you were fighting, Pontifex, our Esquire. And this young lad is Augustus, my nephew. Her eyes narrowed after she motioned towards her brother then to Augustus.

She gave him a bit to let the names and ranks sink into his head before continuing on. If you ever lay a single paw, tooth, claw, or even a hair on them along with coming anywhere near them. You will have me to deal with. I may be small in size but I am a force to be reckoned with. Same for if you ever come near our borders. Your first impression got yourself in a bad place.


Awesome table by Lu <3