
And what of you?



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-15-2017, 02:26 AM

This place was...interesting. He had yet to trek the lands of Auster, though after coming across Ganta and being told about Shiro, he was on a quest to find and eradicate the creature. He would not allow the boy or...whatever he supposedly thought himself, to soil the Hellstrom name. Venomous amber orbs flashed through the darkness, his steps quiet, almost silent as he moved through the darkness. While it was considerable warmer in Auster than it was in Boreas, it didn't stop him from his task at hand. However, the biting hunger that gnawed at his stomach did send him in a detour. The alabaster male would change course, seeking out a meal before finding somewhere to bed down for the night. These lands were unknown to him, but he would make do. He was a survivor, always had been and nothing would stop him from it. He would survive until his dying breath, be it going out the same way his father did, or old age...though he doubted he'd make it to the latter. Not with all the enemies he had and revenge he planned on serving.

Dark thoughts would begin to scatter across his mind, a darkened soul bearing the sins of his father. His fathers sins were his own, and the male could almost laugh with delight. He always knew he'd grow up to be like him, it was inevitable after all. Before he could think more on it, the scents of deer crossed his path and immediately he sought them out. He moved in silence, and it wasn't long before the man came across the herd. Some were sleeping, a few were grazing. He was feeling particularly devilish tonight, his rabid hunger driving him to do what his inner beast wanted. And that was blood. The tri-colored male neared them, remaining in the shadows as he moved swiftly and silently, and once he was closer to one of the unsuspecting young bucks, he charged full pelt at it. A vicious snarl left his maw as the man leaped towards it, leaves and debris from the bushes he crashed through flying around him. The herd startled, though the one he sought would not get away. He was an experienced hunter, and the male would get what he wanted! Teeth snapped shut around the surprised bucks throat, and though it tried to flee with the others, its legs buckled as Enigma's weight dragged it down. He kept a choke hold on it, amber eyes narrowed as he viciously shook his head, tearing the bucks throat out. Blood spilled down his neck and chest, the warm tang filling his mouth as he tore away from it. With a gurgled cry, the buck faltered and took no more than a few steps before it fell to the ground, body twitching as it struggled to hold on to life.

But of course, the light would fade from its eyes as it bled out and gasped for air. Blood bubbling where he had torn its throat. He stood there, legs spread and head slightly bowed as he held on to the bit of skin, muscle, and fur he had torn away. His body heaved with heavy breath as he waited for the bucks final throes to subside. Once it lay still, a dark laugh bubbled up in his throat, the male rolling his shoulders as he dropped what he held. The rest of the herd had taken off, but he had won his prize.

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