
The foxes hunt the hounds



7 Years
Other species
06-18-2017, 05:15 AM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2017, 05:16 AM by Amaryllis.)
He sat next to her and she offered a gentle smile. His compliment brought a blush to her cheeks and she did her best to hide it. She gave him a soft laugh before she spoke. "You flatter an old woman, young man." for it was true, at seven years she was old and him a young lad. His name fell from gentle lips and she dipped her head to him. "please call me Amaryllis, though any form of the word is fine as well." she gave her own name easily though not as properly as he had for her last name didn't matter as much.

His question on her scent earned him a nod. Her tail uncovered the batch of berries she had plucked and she gave him a smile. It seemed he was familiar then with the precious secrets of the healers world. Especially if he claimed he was a novice healer. "That I am Ganta, and if you seek knowledge I will gladly give it. Though I'm not sure how much you already know." she turned her head to him and her icey gaze was warm as it met his. They were eyes that could see into the very soul if she had to. "Let's start with the basics then, these are elderberry, they are good for the immune system and in small doses can be given to pups and kits to boost it. Another is Motherwort, it is good for females in heat to stave off the heat and even for pregnant and nursing mother's, to stimulate the production of healthy milk." with those two down she stopped and waited to see if he understood.