
When I hit the ground



9 Years
Athena I
06-18-2017, 10:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 05:39 PM by Leo.)

Leo nodded in understanding when she mentioned how hard it had been to get to know everyone in the pack. He had tried his best the entire time he had lead the pack to at least know a bit of each of his members, but it was difficult. There just wasn't enough hours in the day to socialize with everyone, keep up with his children, do all of the patrols... much less have any kind of personal time. "Don't beat yourself up about it, sweetie. It's hard to know everyone on a close, personal level. The names will come with time, especially once you start to build a pack of wolves that you've accepted. They make more of an impression on you that way."

He nodded in agreement when Heather spoke about Lionel. He had always seen Lionel and Heather as the two out of all of his children that could possibly take the pack one day. He loved Roza and Alfred, but he had seen more of that initiative in Heather and Lionel. He hoped that one day Alfred might take an interest in being one of the higher ranks as well, but for the time being he knew he Alfred needed to focus on himself. Roza was off living her own life with Ganta and that was fine with him as well. Honestly if none of them wanted to lead the pack he would be okay with that too. As long as they were happy and healthy.

"You can run this pack however you see fit. As long as you keep good intentions and integrity at its core then you will have no complaints from me." He smiled and leaned over to press his nose to her cheek. He knew she had so many worries about taking over the pack and how well she would do, but he had few, if any, worries. He trusted her to do what was right and she wouldn't be alone in this undertaking. He was still here, her siblings were here, pack members that had been here to see her grow up were here. "Just remember how much support you have around you and utilize it. You'll be fine."

"Talk" "You" Think