
Like toy soldiers



6 Years
06-19-2017, 12:30 AM

Boredom was what drove her now. While the rest of the family was off making babies, scouting, improving their line, and whatever else it was that they pursued in their free time, Ana found her life lacking purpose. Adra was beginning to irritate her with his absence and she hadn't seen Aby since the meeting of the family. She was hoping that her alone time would be beneficial to her young child - after all Amon wasn't very pleased with her wayward daughter and any more mishaps would probably mean to death of her. Of course Ana wouldn't be the one to stop him either. Aby's actions hadn't only tarnished her daughter's reputation, but hers and Adra's as well. She could only hope that the girl would come back with a better resolve to behave or else the moon's wrath wouldn't be curbed.

it helped that there were so many unexplored places in Auster. Of course she'd been content to let Amon's spawn do all the scouting, but it was a good excuse to explore. Night time was the perfect period of the day for her to travel so that the sun's harsh gaze didn't bite into her pelt. There were times that she hated the weakness that had been bestowed upon the mortal body she'd been shoved in. Perhaps it was only fair though - how could she be this beautiful, intelligent, and godly without something to balance it out. After all she was the moon child of the family - it was only fair that the sun be her enemy.

Her paws led her to a strange place that, at first glance, looked like a strange assortment of rocks. Appearances were deceiving though - the closer she got the more she realized that they were no normal rocks. Strange markings covered the faced of them and she observed them for a moment, completely ignoring the fresh scent that surrounded her, as she studied them. She would have quickly grew bored of them, making no sense of the markings, except for the voice that carried to her ears. One flicked lazily towards the sound as she listened curiously before peering around one of the rocks, graves as the male has called it, to peer at the creature that was with her. He wasn't very far away and it seemed as though his presence finally had to be recognized. Was it a mortal who chose to worship the gods or was he something else entirely.

Her eyes roved over his form - he was barely taller than herself and certainly was not remarkable in the height department. Not many could outshine her family as far as size and stature, but his posture was intriguing enough. His markings and coat color also caught her eyes, but it was the horns that adorned his head that really piqued her interest. She couldn't figure out whether to think them absurd or find them other-worldly but she couldn't shake the feeling that he reminded her of prey. A smirk tugged at her lips as she stepped closer to him coming dangerously close to his face before she circled around him looking him over like he was a new chew toy.

"Tell me, which of your parents decided that prey animals were worthy of mating with." She quipped, curious to know how such an odd feature could pop up on a wolf's head.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]