
Don't Fake This


06-28-2013, 02:20 PM

With her embarrassment wearing off, she started to take notice of the small details about him. He had the typical bulky male build, but no excessively so. His muzzle was bathed in ivory, a strip of black forming up his snout starting at his nose. The rest of his was made up of gray, black blending in along his back and blanketing his ears. Golden orbs complimented his mixed pelt well. Crown slightly to the left as he spoke, insisting it was his fault. A more earnest smile tugged at her mouth. "It's a pleasure, even under the circumstances." A soft bubble of laughter slipped from her jaws, their encounter had been rather amusing thinking about it now. "What brings you out here, if you don't mind my being nosy." They had already entered each others person space, so why not try to get him know him a bit? He didn't seem to bad so far. And he was definitely handsome. Dropping her haunches to the earth, she seated herself comfortably, tail curling around her paws as it always did when she said. Audits flicked forward, waiting to catch his next words.

"speech" thought