
When I hit the ground



3 Years
06-19-2017, 12:28 PM

The feeling of her father's nose to her cheek was reassuring. As she let the thoughts fester and his words sink in she let her nerves pass her by. Softly with a smile as she returned the gesture with a rub of her head towards the side of his own orange fur. She still felt like a child despite the time moving by, which in a way she supposed it was a good thing. One day her father wasn't going to be around and that scared her. Hopefully, he would live a long happy life even after she took over. Her blue hued eyes filled with thoughts as she tried to center them all.

What would it take for him to be happy, what could she do of all things to do. After all her father had felt a lot of pressure running Fiori and it was a long lasting pack. The least she could do was make sure it stayed around... that one day she'd end up having kids to take it over and the generations to go on. Her ears flicked forward as she hummed a bit.

"Well then dad... I'm ready when you are. I think I've collected enough of my thoughts - experienced a lot of the world. While I might be inexperienced and new, I'd really like you to have a good, calm retirement. So... whenever you think I'm ready. I'm ready." she nodded her head. Whenever her father was ready to pass on the baton than she was happy. Heather was already a hard worker and perhaps actually being appointed Queen would make her more than ready to start doing the duties she needed. She still found time for herself even if it was few in between. She mostly just wanted her father and family to be happy.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.