
It's Darkest Before The Hope


06-19-2017, 03:03 PM

The sound of pawsteps were getting a little louder, Allen noticed, the snow crunching under some creature’s foot more than just his imagination after all. His ears perked, that lonely pang rising in his chest before he forced himself to his paws. Perhaps he’d get lucky and be able to share in some company for a little while. Allen emerged from the den, blinking a couple times at the world of white that filled his vision. But there, not too far away and heading in the general direction of his den was a young woman who bore features that Allen recognized.

He searched his name but her name eluded him. No doubt though that this femme was one of Bass’ children.Allen couldn’t help but smile at this realization… a friendly face. Another Abaven wolf. Well… even if he wasn’t a member of Abaven again at least he could interact with it’s members. With a soft bark he called to the she-wolf, wondering if she’d stop when she heard him or if she might carry on her way?

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah