
we write sins not tragedies



4 Years
Extra large
06-19-2017, 05:21 PM

Mortar wasn't sure what had brought him here. Wanderlust was a good excuse, but at this point could it even be called that anymore? He still had no home so he was always wandering at this point. He'd lost some weight but not enough to be concerning for himself. It was getting close to winter and prey was bound to be scarce to find without a group to help him. Even with as large as he was he wasn't stupid enough to try to take down something larger than himself. Small deer yes, but things were hardly easy in the harsh north and most things tended to be large.

He wasn't sure why he stayed here. Maybe it was because the constant need to keep moving for survival was a nice distraction. It kept his mind busy so he didn't have to think about things. For example the crushing loneliness that still seemed to follow him everywhere he went. Delaney's company only curbed it slightly, but even it wasn't enough to stop his brain from reminding himself that all his family had left him and that Ray had been gone, again for over a year now after she'd promised not to leave him. What was it about himself that made wolves feel the need to abandon him without a word? He wanted explanations that it seemed like he would never get.

So yes, the north was a welcome distraction to his heavy heart. He wandered around aimlessly not quite sure what he was looking for. He would have been content to leave finding that the trees poking through ice wasn't enough to keep him busy, but the cracking of the lake caught his attention. The splintering sounds filtered through his ears and his head turned towards the location. All he could glimpse was blue and gray fur before it plunged into the icy cold depths. The howl that followed was chilling and Mortar wasted no time in rushing forward. Whoever it was had been under probably a good thirty seconds by the time he arrived. Already the ice was cracking more under his weight so he wasted no time plunging in as it gave way underneath him. The water was freezing, worse than anything he'd ever felt in his life, but he held his breath as bi-colored eyes searched the murky water.


He spotted the wolf below him so he urged himself onward while he tried to ignore the chattering cold that threatened to overcome him. Finally he reached the other canine and teeth latched onto its scruff. He made sure he had a good hold before struggling upwards. It took what felt like ages for him to get them both to the surface. His oxygen deprived muscles were screaming at him, but the cold air was almost refreshing.

The struggle was far from over though - the hardest part was upon him. His claws scrambled to get a grip on the ice that just kept breaking under his weight. Keeping them both afloat was taking a toll on him as well and the ice refused to hold him up. This is not where I die, this is not where I die, this is not where I die. He told himself. He'd thrown himself in this stupid lake to save this wolf and he'd be damned if they both drowned. It felt like forever after constantly clawing away at chunks of ice that just kept breaking, but finally he managed to find a thicker bit that didn't break immediately. He was panting now as he heaved them both up on the ice, himself first, before he finally managed to drag the other wolf up with him. Once he was certain the wolf was stable on the ice with him and shakily let go. it wasn't until he looked the wolf over that he realized who he'd saved.

"Ray?" He whispered, mostly to himself, unable to find the energy to say her name louder.

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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]