
We are made from broken parts



4 Years
Extra large
06-19-2017, 09:12 PM

Surprise, he hadn't really left the north.

He'd barely made it past the wall when his conscience had gotten the better of him. He'd saved Ray from ultimate freezing death in icy cold water surrounded by pine trees also submerged in icy cold water. He still didn't want to be around her, but it was obvious she was in bad shape. Starving, alone, previous broken bones, her tail was messed up too - of course the minute he thought he could be selfish, just this once, he always found himself going back to her. He wouldn't stay, he refused, he couldn't just up an abandon Delaney like that when he'd promised to stick around to help her out, but he found he couldn't abandon Ray either. As mad as he was at her he couldn't just leave her to die in the north.

So he'd turned around to head back to see if he could track her down, but halfway there a storm had rolled in. It'd been manageable at first, but eventually it got so bad he could barely see a few feet in front of him. Food eventually became impossible to find and he was pretty convinced he was lost. Figures - the minute he decided to be nice and ignore himself, again, he got screwed over.

By the time he reached the cathedral he was half frozen, starving, and obviously off course. He was close to the door when the scent of a pup reached him. His body trembled from the cold as he took a hesitant step towards the door as the scent of stale birth and the more recent scent of the mother reached him. Someone was living here. He glanced around him seeing nothing but snow, snow, and more snow. This was the only shelter for miles ... so death by angry mother or death by freezing. Great choices. Dealing an angry mother sounded like a much better chance then risking freezing to death.

He took in a deep breath, holding it in his lungs for a moment, before he let it out in a deep sigh. Damn, the things he got himself in to some times. He shook his head softly before heading cautiously past the door. His muscles were stiff and if his fur wasn't frozen in clumps he was sure it would be standing on end too. To put it short? He was nervous.

"Sorry for intruding." He called out as he slowly inched outside further while looking around to locate where the female was. "It's just really cold and storming outside."

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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]