
Why is everything so heavy



4 Years
06-19-2017, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2017, 11:21 PM by Shrapnel.)
ooc: So the strange scent is Shiloh, Kurt already agreed to let me powerplay him crossing into the borders.

He wasn't one to be late to meetings - it wasn't something he typically took lightly. With his rank in the pack now he knew he had to set a good example, but there were circumstances that ended up making him late. In this case a strange scent had caught his attention during one of his patrols. It was a loners scent this time and in some ways it was a relief that it wasn't the pack scent of the male who'd intruded earlier, but in the same regard that made it the second wolf to trespass within the season. What was it about Fiori that made wolves think they could do whatever they wanted?

An ivory ear flicked as Leo's call for a meeting interrupted his tracking. His ears flashed down against his skull in one indecisive moment as he tried to figure out what to do before he decided being late was more than worth it. He lowered his nose to the ground as he headed at a trot as he followed the scent all the way towards the falls before it doubled back towards the border. No blood, nothing had happened, but they'd definitely been here. A soft growl left him as he double checked that they'd actually left for good before racing to the meeting.

He was panting by the time he arrived and he headed straight towards Leo and came to a halt before his father. He took only a brief second to catch his breath, and apologetic look on his face, and he somehow managed to lower his voice enough that only Leo could hear. There was no use alarming everyone at the moment.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He started off with. "But there was another intruder, this time a loner. I followed their scent to the falls before it doubled back towards the border. I made sure they left, but it was very recent." Worry tinged his tone. Was this stranger something they should be concerned about?

Walk, "Talk" Think

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