
the thrill of the hunt

Aria I


06-28-2013, 03:55 PM
ooc: sorry for crappiness.

The Borealis sighed when the dark female opened her eyes and smiled before speaking. She was alright, and from the looks of it she didn't seem to be injured. That was looks though, perhaps she had been wounded on the inside or was bruised under the fur. As the girl stood up Aria stepped back to give her room, green eyes running over her body to see if she had any wounds, even if they were small. She explained why there was a dead cat, saying she was going to get someone in the morning and that she should have got help but she didn't want to lose the animal. He had no idea what was coming to him.

Aria couldn't help but chuckle at Liste, taking a step towards her and giving her a playful shove on her shoulder. You did the right thing. Let me just warn you though, last year in the Spring we had a cat problem. A cougar had come right into our territory and was causing trouble. Her tone grew serious as well as her eyes, turning away a moment to look towards the mountains. I would like for you to keep your eyes open along with your ears and nose. I don't want one of them to snatch a life that didn't deserve to end. With a deep breath she looked back to the woman with a caring smile. This one may be small but they are still trouble, please call for us if you see another or even a larger one.

With that she moved away from the ebony shewolf, stepping over to where the dead cat lay. She gave it a nudge with her paw, eyes scanning its body for any signs that it was hanging onto life. Seeing nothing she confirmed it was dead but she did notice something. Aria lowered her head, green orbs scanning the cat's fangs then it's claws to see some blood. Were you injured at all?
