
Don't Fake This


06-28-2013, 04:28 PM

If he saw her appraising him then he didn't let it show. A smile finally settled on his features as he found his own amusement in the situation. He bounced the question back at her, there much surprise there, fair was fair. "I'm out gathering herbs, I'm one of Valhallas healers." Pride rang out in her voice. She loved being a healer, knowing how to heal someone, though she had used her skills much. Most of her knowledge was thanks to Erani. She had taught her a lot in a short period. She wondered if she would continue training her? Or if she lost that privilege. She shook the negative thoughts from her mind, she would give the Lead Healer time to cool off. Things had thankfully settled in Valhalla after the pack meeting and everyone receiving ranks and whatnot. She was rather pleased when Erani was made Lead Healer again. When she had met with Erani things were still in turmoil, breaking apart at the seams. But her pack was rebuilding again, settling down in a peaceful routine once more. "Though I suppose I'm doing the same." Having rarely ventured out, she wanted to get to know the land and see what was around her. She had always been curious as to what lay beyond the border of her home. So far she liked what she saw. Even with the snow still littering the ground, she had enjoyed her adventure and now was enjoying anothers company.

"speech" thought