
Looks Are Decieving


06-28-2013, 04:31 PM

White paws touched the frozen ground. It wasn't chilly, it was just hard and firm. Basically impossible to dig in the soil. But the male paid no attention to it, his mind was way too far off to think about the frozen air of winter.

Something had interrupted his view as he topped over the hill looking over the lake. It seemed like the trees refused to grow in a perfect eye of the sun set, impossible to miss the portrait of oranges and reds. It seemed like the sun had turned to lava, and the boy looked down despite the beautiful sight.

Anything the brute had come across always seemed to remind him of those horrible days, that treacherous life back at home, on old Alacritis. His life as a young pup that had to scalage for any type of way to live. Shelter, food, he couldn't even remember a time he found water in those 2 years. He had never killed, but he had to eat off the remains of another wolf who had lost his life for food.

Such a broken life he had. But by the time he looked back at the sun, it was gone. But he had spotted a you g girl down by the water. Of course he didn't want to go and talk to anyone, he didn't want to have anyone connected in his spiral of destruction. But maybe one person would hurt. It seemed like every time he got close to someone, he hurt them.

The Black brute let out a low, deep howl before trotting down the hill to the female before him.

"Um... Hey."