
Crunch crunch crunch...


06-22-2017, 07:24 PM

The sound of his own loud, crunching, clumsy, over-sized paws kept him from hearing the softer crunching of the girl walking toward him. Her voice was able to get his attention though and he stopped mid step with one forepaw in the air. His head flung around comically with his golden eyes wide with interest. His gaze landed on the smaller girl that had the prettiest orange and black stripes all over her and he gave her a huge, happy grin. "Oh, hi!" he replied excitedly while he turned toward her and trotted over to where she was standing, resuming the loud crunching from his paws for a few more moments.

Neptune was still a yearling, but he was getting close to his second year and because of that he was getting pretty close to being full grown. He realized as he got closer to her how much taller than her he was. He hadn't seen another wolf in so long, probably before his last growth spurt, so it was almost a bit startling to see how tall he was. Were most wolves smaller than him? Or was she just abnormally short? Either way he was really happy to see her! "Hi hi hi!" he said again as he stopped a couple of feet in front of her with his tail wagging gently behind him. His voice was getting deeper and it created quite the contrast between this deeper voiced almost-man and his chipper, hyper personality.

"Talk" "You" Think