
Hold My Hand, Oh Baby It's A Long Way Down To The Bottom Of The River



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-22-2017, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 07:59 PM by Valdís.)

Everything had been going so well until the great red blunder appeared.  Well Valdís knew it probably couldn't have lasted.  A pack that unvigilant simply wouldn't exist anymore.    "Oh?  Trespassing?  Am I?  I'm sooooo dreadfully sorry."  Valdís let her reply drawl out of her mouth slow and dripping.  This punk with the dumb…. whatever the heck he had around his neck thought he could remove her fur?  This is exactly why she didn't like this counting coup idea.  The idea was not to get in a fight but ohhhh she was itching for one.  She was always itching for a good and proper fight.  She tended to be looked down on for her age and deep down she desired to be respected, she desired to be feared, not underestimated.

She was about to make another catty remark when another man appeared.  He looked positively ancient!  But his arrival meant that word was getting around.  She liked a good and proper fight, that much was true, but she hated being outnumbered.  Valdís shifted her position, stepping back and turning so that the men were to either side of her.  No way she was letting some creepy old geezer get at her back, not until she was ready to leave anyway.  

"Tour of the lands?  You're mistaken old man.  I came here to deliver something of great importance.  Now that it's delivered I'll be taking my leave.  Seems you two have a youngling to teach about strangers."  Valdís grinned.  "I certainly wouldn't want to get in the way of a valuable teaching moment.  She seems such an innocent, sweetheart.  I don't think we need to damage her childhood with any bloody shows of violence.  Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I simply must be off.  A great tragedy will befall us all if I keep the spirits waiting much longer."

That was all the explanation they'd get before she turned around and left skirting along the border before heading off in a diagonal away from the border, ever alert to the possibility of attack.  


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