
Walking On Gravestones



6 Years
06-22-2017, 11:39 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 11:39 PM by Armai.)
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

Armai had been nervous ever since she'd left Talis for this scouting mission. A lot of the times it felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest and it took all her will power to force herself to stay calm. She had a plan set in mind about how it would all go down and if worse came to worse back up was available should she need it. She was hoping that it wouldn't come to that though - after all she was only a blind healer. How much of a threat could she be perceived as? it still didn't help quell her jitters but she was hoping that would fade over time.

She'd made sure to coat herself in mud, Nox too (though the cat was NOT happy about it), before washing herself off later down the road in the sea by Talis' lands. After that, once she was content her pack's scent was free from her pelt, she had set off pass the land bridge. Nox accompanied her all the way up until she was near the pack's borders before slipping off into the shadows to wait until they were ready to go home.

Armai had managed to find some herbs along the way and carried them in her mouth as she forced herself to act natural before heading to this pack's border. The scent was muffled by the bundle of herbs as she strolled forward. She was feeling pretty good about the whole ordeal until her feet hit a pile of stones and she nearly fell on her face. Well she was successfully past this packs borders but what had she tripped on. Her head bent down to nose around and was surprised when her nose struck the hard surface of rocks. She followed along the rocks for the moment before realizing that they probably stretched for a while. Had this pack surrounded their entire territory with them? She moved away from the stones now, trying to act as though she might not have noticed them, before seeing how much further she could make it into the territory. So far she could only tell that it was colder here. What if their herb stores were no better than hers? This would be a pointless trip if it wasn't.

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.