
Wash It All Away



4 Years
06-23-2017, 12:21 AM
ooc: Dating this to happen before the raid meeting

it was easy for Afrit to get consumed in the day-to-day happenings of pack life. She'd spent most of her time at home just so she could be around her family, but she was also hoping that Dragon would call the pack together soon to talk about the raid. The scouts would be back soon and she was more than excited to prove herself. She didn't want to be stuck in her apprentice rank forever and what better way to test her training than to do it in a real situation. Training would only take her so far but real experience was what she craved.

To kill some time she headed off towards one of the beaches of Auster. She could have gone to the one closer to the castle but how much fun would that have been? Not! Nope she headed off towards the opposite one and wasn't disappointed when she arrived. She knew that the water was undrinkable with the amount of salt in it, which was a bummer for her pack, but she was still excited to be here. Tidal pools covered the beach along with rocks and a multitude of other things to stare at.

Now where did she start?

She headed over towards the nearest tidal pool and peered down into its depths. The water was clearer than the actual ocean was which gave her a great view at the bottom. Fiery colored eyes rested on a starfish and a grin spread across her face. Then there was a sea urchin, some seashells, and even some crabs. Her eyes were then distracted by some minnows and her tail wagged behind her. So much life in such a tiny little pool - it was hard to imagine but here it was right in front of her eyes.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]