
Are You Ready To Live?



2 Years
Extra large
06-23-2017, 01:31 AM

He'd been dreaming peacefully when the sound of bird song roused him from his dreams. His eyelids slowly slid open as he blinked groggily. A yawn slowly slipped past his jaws and he looked around momentarily to see what it was that had woken him up. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light streaming in to the den before he noticed the birds hopping around outside of it. He watched them peck in the snow for a moment before flying off elsewhere to find food. His eyes blinked a few times more as he slowly became more awake before he peered around the den. His mom was already gone for the morning patrol it seemed.

The large male slowly stretched out and enjoyed the pull of his muscles before he rolled on his stomach and shook his head. Feeling better he glances around the den again and his eyes rested on the rainbow colored female that had begun staying with him. His mom had explained that she'd found her at the borders and couldn't find her parents so Rory found it easy to accept her into his life. He hadn't really spent any time with her, but he was also unsure of how to approach her. His mom had also explained that she didn't speak english very well either. That would make thing complicated but he was determined to get to know her.

He rose to his paws, silently to make sure he didn't wake the rest of his siblings, before pausing by Jewell's sleeping form. She wouldn't be mad at him for waking her up, right? For a moment he paused, unsure if he should just go wake Kairi instead and do something with her, before he shook the thought out of his head. If she was angry he'd just let her go back to sleep, but he wouldn't know until he woke her. Slowly he reached out a paw to poke her side before whispering to her.

"Hey Jewell, you awake?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]