
Why is everything so heavy



7 Years
06-23-2017, 07:03 AM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 07:05 AM by Archelaus.)
Heather's approach had been a bit unexpected, though not unwelcome. It had not been since the morning of their run that he had really spoke to her, though his primary focus seemed to reside with the woman at his side. Those ruby eyes drifted away from Heather only momentarily so that he could observe his mother, reminding himself that her strength had gotten her this far and she would be fine for the moment while he courteously responded to the Princess of Fiori. After all, it would be rude to ignore royalty in the middle of a pack meeting, right? He could not really assess what was acceptable and what was not, given the circumstances but a mix of his curiosity and newfound sense of responsibility led him to believe that going on a walk with Heather to see what she wanted to talk about was the best option.

An apologetic look was given to his mother and brother as he dismissed himself from their side, deciding to answer the Princess with a nod of confirmation that he would indeed speak with her. He faced her completely- leaving him to, unfortunately, miss the arrival of Lionel and witness the further concerned it might have sparked within him. The tall, ashen man began to step up to the side of of Heather, assuming she meant for them to walk out of the ear shot of others. He was happy to oblige and even flashed her the slightest turn of a pleasant smirk, "Don't think it's possible for me to say no to a chat, considering how few chances we ever seem to have for catching one another. What's on your mind, Princess?"

Part of him wondered if there was something else troubling the young woman, but the air about her seemed entirely different from their other meeting. She was much more confident, much more.. like the noblewoman he might have expected her to be. If the two had not been addressed quickly, Archelaus was entirely capable of missing the clues that could have told him Lionel might have discovered something tremendously important, especially to Archie's inner aspirations.
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