
From the cradle to the grave...[birthing]

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
06-24-2017, 09:00 PM
Kaitlyn had known Vi was close to her birthing, but dared not invoke the wrath of her Queen so close to her time. Kait’s own belly was swollen heavily, but she knew it would be Vianni who gave birth first. Kait was so heavy with her children now that she couldn’t waddle very far or for long periods of time. She’d found herself a small den, lined it with moss, bits of fur and feathers, and had holed herself up inside of it most of the time. Not that she was really in any condition to do much else… and she was sure the Queen didn’t want her around her as the days grew closer to when their children were going to be born.

But still, when the call for Lucifer rang out Kait knew she had to show. To at least make sure the King and Queen were alright. She had taken a bit of time waddling there, partly thanks to the still healing wound on her paw pad. Her ears were lowered and body fluffed up against the chill of the world around her. Not as bad as the North but still bad enough for her. Kait wouldn’t deny the fact she was miserable… and the thought that she might have lost her litter in traveling here made her more miserable. A fact she hadn’t shared with either Vi or Luc just yet.

Arriving at the den Kaitlyn eased to a sitting position outside, giving a small shiver as she heard her name and Lucifer’s comment. “I’m here, M’Lord....” Her words were saddened as she lowered her gaze to ground. Even if she had her babies… would she be able to see them raised? Would they know her love, her adoration for them? Her ear flicked and Kaitlyn gazed off towards a small sound in the distance, bristling. A coyote perhaps? Or some other predator? Maybe just the wind playing with her paranoid mind?

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.