



7 Years
Extra large
06-24-2017, 11:58 PM
His defiance was met with a calm, cold gaze. Could have been the laziness in her being restored, leaving her with little energy to become too confrontational. Having small creatures growing in her belly may also have been a contributing factor. A hot breath hissed through her lungs, "Picking yourself up out of a bad situation quickly is a valuable skill to have, it isn't easy but it's worth cultivating..." her words came in a soft mumble as she turned slightly away, spark-colored eyes dim with a thousand-yard stare.

Shaking out her thin coat in an effort to dislodge the sudden discomfort that was welling up within her along with the chill that was determined to settle in her very bones during this cold winter. Her head ducked down a bit at the way he spoke, like she was doing something worthy of attention or something. "Well there's not much else to do and I like not starving, so..." She scuffed one slate grey paw in the surf-covered black sand. This was too much peaceful interaction. She felt like weird bugs were moving around in her stomach. Ick.

She let her ears flick side to side as she considered the idea a moment before agreeing, "He'd do it, and I'd like having Feli around. He's a respectable wolf." Her sorry excuse for a tail flicked behind her, the lest irritable move it had made in a while. The idea of finally being sure that Feli could be nearby was oddly comforting in a way, it made the whole mess that her life had turned into feel just a little less overwhelming. She looked at him sidelong and was close to responding when the issue of names suddenly appeared. The normally cold and irritable expression she'd spent years crafting shifted to accommodate a wry grin. "Well, Ruthgar, I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you..." she trailed off, letting the words hang a moment before adding, "But you'd have to spar me first."

Gaze flicking out towards the waves lapping at the shore inches so close to her she'd hardly have to walk far to go stand in the likely ice cold waves. Sometimes she wished she could be like the ocean; free from responsibility, able to go from broiling and tumultuous to simply moving along gently with the tides, all without answering to anyone. What a life that might be.

"I'm Mara Berodach."
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.