
New to the bush


06-28-2013, 07:53 PM
OOC: It's ok =)

The brown wolf nodded liking the calmness of the pack life, though she hoped that there will be some adventures to be had in this strange landscape along the way. Plus it sounded like she would get a lot of alone time which she liked, much of it would be practicing her tracking skills, relaxing in the sun, or patrolling. Her thoughts wondered off and she day dreamed about tracking a massive buck for the pack or scenting a rogue on the run. But soon Aria brought her attention back with a question of the rank she wanted. She paused lost in thought, she knew that being a hunter would be best for her kind of skill and be the most useful for the pack. She just wanted something more exciting, but she could not think of something else she would be good at. She was not a killer, so an assassin was not an option. She was a good fighter, but not great enough to be a warrior or a guard or some sort. The lavender eyed wolf gave a soft sigh and said " Yes, a hunter would be best for the sort of skills I have." She just hope something exciting would come along for her to track and give her a challenge. Ramelia just hope she would become important to the pack someday.

"See Right Through You Any Hour..."