
Are You Ready To Live?



4 Years
06-26-2017, 07:57 AM

It took her a minute to fully wake herself, even with the male Kairi standing there. She gave a yawn before she sat up and stretched. Her ear was starting to feel funny now that she was awake enough to notice, so she gave her head a shake before using her paw to fix it by running it through her fur backwards until she caught the ear and flipped it. His apology brought her attention to him fully, seeming to gain her bearings enough to remember to try to speak English for him. "No apalogizes, Jewell apalogize. Not mean speak French again." she probably sounded retarded to him but she was trying her hardest and so focused with her words that her eyes went to her purple nose. Her orange ears stuck out to the side with her focus. English was definitely harder than French.

She finished speaking and looked back to him with a grin that said how proud she was to of succeeded in communicating with him. She looked at the sleeping forms of the other kids for a second before she got a bright idea that the male Kairi could do her English lessons with her today and that they could go walk Faites lines. Though that could also end in playing with the way her focus went. "Boy Kairi do lessons and walk lines? Mom Faite not mind, Jewell sure." she stood then and shook out her pelt to try to flatten it, though some still remained laying the wrong way.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.