
We are made from broken parts



4 Years
Extra large
06-27-2017, 01:29 AM

The warning growl had him taking a few steps back and his nails clicked against the hard stone floor as it echoed away until it was silent once more. Ears flattened fully against his skull as he debated leaving. Okay so far not a good start. It was still preferable to freezing to death, but bleeding didn't sound like much fun either. He'd been hoping she'd be more receptive to helping him out, but he was already aware of the cruelties the world offered. She also had babies to look after, he could smell it, so he understood the desire of wanting to keep strangers away from her brood.

And then she surprised him.

Ears flicked forward hesitantly as she offered to let him stay in till the storm blew over. Surprise laced through his features as he wondered if he'd heard her right. Maybe he had ice in his ears? if he didn't know any better he'd almost think she sounded as nervous as he felt, but surely that couldn't be the case. She came out of where she'd been resting and his eyes fell upon probably the most colorful creature that he'd ever laid eyes on. Sure he'd seen a myriad of colors, but typically those in Donostrea sported only one strange color whereas this female had multiples.

It wasn't displeasing though and he found himself distracted for the moment. He hadn't even noticed her odd limb until his eyes made it to her legs. Before he could be got staring though he quickly averted his gaze to look around them. This place at least offered shelter from the wind and snow for a little while and she was letting him stay which was more than generous considering she didn't know him.

"Thank you, I won't bother your pup." He said as his eyes came back to look at her own. "I'm Mortar by the way." He said before slinking along the wall away from her (and the entrance to the cathedral) to give her more space so they both felt more comfortable.

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]