
These walls aren't talking



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-27-2017, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2017, 06:29 PM by Ásvor.)
Ásvor was parched. She'd spent some time in the eastern lands as of late, deciding to try to find a friend and having very little luck. Her friend Valdis had explained that her pack was in these lands, but all she had found was a mostly-abandoned territory with faded pack scents. Surely Crew hadn't disbanded so quickly, had it? Her ceaseless wandering didn't put her mind at ease any, but she definitely needed to rest, suddenly feeling worried for her companion.

She'd caught scent of water nearby - she knew she had been heading in the direction of the ocean, but she wasn't quite sure just how close she was. But finally she caught scent of fresh water, mingled with the briny stench of the sea, and she determined she was due for a break. The red-faced woman redirected her course just slightly, hardly able to stop a grin from creeping across her lips once she caught sight of the river.

The river wasn't the only thing that caught her eye though. A stranger lingered near the edge of the water, a lady of rather formidable size, with a coat of white and greys. Unsure yet if she was eager for company today, her pace slowed significantly. What she was sure of, though, was that she wanted water, and she wasn't particularly interested in finding somewhere else to drink at the moment. Her expression brightened just a touch as she drew closer, her muzzle dipping slightly to the earth as she approached her cautiously.

"Talk" "You" Think