
Seeking Shelter



5 Years
06-27-2017, 09:01 PM

She could easily tell that he hadn't been sure how to react to her touch, but Delaney didn't want to make things worse. So she acted as though she didn't notice, that she didn't miss a beat as she sniffed the air behind her, licking her lips as she thought of an easy meal. She had some luck scavenging as she made her way here, but it hadn't been a big carcass so she didn't get much and was starting to once again feel hungry. She looked back at him as he spoke and smiled, nodding in agreement with him, it would be good shelter for a while. She was hoping that winter was soon over, she was tired of the cold and tired of the snow. Besides spring meant good weather and the start of herb hunting. She was excited to see what else she could learn about herbs and what things her and Mortar could discover together.

She smiled her thoughts giving her a sudden swirl of energy and her tail wagged again as she looked back to Mortar. She pranced lightly on her front paws as she looked to him.

"Come on lets catch some grub," She said with a slightly playful growl before turning around and bounding deeper into the barn.

Nose to the ground she searched around for some fresh scents. She nosed around in every nook and cranny she came across. Then all of a sudden a vary large rat shot past her nose and she took off after it, claws digging into the wood floor. She was quick to snatch the creature up in her jaws and kill it before trotting back over to Mortar and dropping it grinning with her tail still wagging in happiness. She nosed the dead creature towards him before turning tail and heading off to find another for herself.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]