
Let's Start A Riot! [Raid meeting]



7 Years
06-28-2017, 01:11 AM
Sterling sat quietly and listened as the meeting commenced, finally getting the chance to catch her breath. As Dragon mentioned the lack of drinking water and herbs,
she found herself nodding in agreement. After spending just a short time in Boreas, traipsing through the snow and enduring the cold, she'd forgotten how hot and dry it was here. It was the complete opposite, and the packs of the other continent certainly had resources that they could use. Her throat was dry from her run here, and it was apparent by Dragon's tone that it wouldn't be easy to just find a drink and continue on with the day. They were reaching a point of desperation in Talis. Thus came talk of the raid that was imminent, and the scouting missions that had proceeded since the last meeting.

That was when Sterling really perked up and paid attention. She had literally just arrived back, and she had things to share with Dragon. She wished she'd been back a little sooner - was she going to have to talk in front of all these wolves? - but she supposed she'd have to just deal with the situation as it was, as the Alpha was wasting no time. Ears flicking as she listened in, she was surprised to hear that Armai had been met with hostility as she'd scouted the other pack in the west. She herself had met someone from that pack, and he'd actually taught her a small bit about herbs, well, more than she had known before anyways, which was nothing. She wondered who Armai had come across. Perhaps that pack was very protective of their borders. It made Sterling wonder if it would be a good idea to face a pack that was so strongly protective. But then again, was a raid of any sort going to to be without risk? She shook her head to her own question, letting any doubts be replaced by ambition - this raid was going to offer so many possibilities. The risk would be worth it.

As Armai finished speaking, Sterling realized it would be her turn to speak next, and she felt the spotlight as Dragon turned his attention to her. Suddenly overly aware of her youth and inexperience, she felt nervous to give forth any information that may influence the decision of the pack. She swallowed with some difficulty as she stood and looked to Dragon. "I came across Lirim in the west also," she said, trying to keep her voice smooth and stop herself from stammering,
"They didn't seem overly hostile, and... I could smell water, so much water. There were so many trees and other plants. I bet there's so much prey there. Maybe herbs as well. They don't seem to be lacking anything." She took a deep breath as she finished speaking, blinking emerald eyes as she took a step back and seated herself, not allowing herself to look around. Had she brought back enough information, or were they expecting more?

Luckily, Dragon took over the meeting once more before her mind could go racing. He addressed the pack, asking the other wolves if they had any information on the other packs, so they would have options to choose from. It was up to the rest of Talis now to decide upon what they wanted to do,
with the information they had so far. Sterling would remain silent, waiting to hear the comments and opinions from the rest of the wolves.