
Not What's Expected [Pack Meeting!]



8 Years

06-28-2017, 05:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 07:30 AM by Váli.)
She didn't expect it to all come crashing down on her. She didn't expect all the worries, all the stress, all the fears to fall onto her in the course of a night and a day. She didn't expect the conversation she had the night before, or the farewell she said this morning. She didn't expect all the worries after that, either, when watching one of her closest friends leave with one of his daughters. And there were a lot of worries. Would he be okay? Would he find Storm's pups? Would he be able to stay in contact? Who else did he tell - or was it really a split decision when he saw her? Did any of his other children know? Any of the pack?

Well, she supposed she would find out. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at his den. He'd normally call meetings from there, but... she swallowed hard, blinking away the tears that threatened to form. There was no way she could keep her composure if she held the meeting there. She'd be bawling before she even had a chance to call the pack together. Instead, she went further, and further, and further - until she found another pile of rocks, much different; not good for a den, but decent enough for her to leap up and sit on.

Taking a breath, she howled for the pack. It was not a happy howl, and it was one that spoke of urgency and importance; the pack needed to come, and quick.

Due date: July 6th!

***IMPORTANT*** Anyone who does not post by July 6, and does not have an absence posted up by July 2nd will be removed from the pack/ the roster! In addition to that, if you are on absence, just like with alpha check rules, if you post between July 2nd and July 6th with any character, the absence is invalidated.


[Image: aGjjkVy.png]