
The Abraxas Brood



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
06-28-2017, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2017, 09:10 AM by Tealah.)
Name: Apollo
Gender: Male
Design: Compared to most of his siblings, Apollo appears almost more ghost than living wolf. Some quirk of genetics has seemingly washed all color from his former, leaving even his pawpads and nose leather an unusually light grey. His coat is a colorless silver-white, all but the dove-grey mask that covers his eyes to feather partway down his muzzle, and the saddle that sits lightly from shoulders to hips and gently feathers off rather than showing a sharp termination. It is clearly only the guard hairs on his back that are tipped in the color, for the feathering seems to shift and change with every movement to reveal and hide the color. Only his eyes are unaffected by the anomaly. A bright golden yellow like highly polished gold in the sun, they are startlingly bright on an otherwise colorless form.
Also his voice sounds like James Earl Jones because why not.
Personality: Cold, so cold. Apollo was consumed by the hate bred into him, but in him it has solidified into solid ice, and he views everything through the cracked and wavering surface of it. He was molded by their father's teachings perhaps even beyond the extent of his brother, perhaps because he was born with a deeply ingrained need to please others and belong, a need that was twisted and warped within him into a nearly fanatical loyalty to his littermates. It is because of this deep flaw that he will never make a good leader, but it does make him an unbeatable second.

Highly intelligent, Apollo has sought knowledge in wide-ranging subjects, believing that you couldn't always keep a specialist by your side so it is practical to be able to do the basics of just about everything yourself. You never knew when some small bit of information would be useful.

His mind is highly logical and analytical, the mind of a tactician. Though he has emotion, he tends to suppress it rather than embrace it. A weakness he can't afford. He has some very curious blind spots though, in his logical outlook, most obviously his belief in the history of their bloodline and the Fallen God. He is all too likely to accept what he is told by his brother, rather than stopping to analyze it for flaws. His sister puzzles him to no end with her occasional bouts of extreme illogical behavior. Why would anyone go penguin bowling?

Violence comes easily and casually to him, the sudden intensity of his actions often seemingly at odds with his icy blankness. His ambitions for the family are far-reaching and boundless, though he has less care for most individuals among them, including himself. Watching his father cull two of his weaker siblings had cured him of any lingering sentimentality for individuals, lest he be let down and the family lessened through them
Plans: Amon's littermate replacing Melchom, possibly the youngest of the litter. Troubled by his father's increasingly irrational behavior, he decided to track down his brother and support him instead as the logical successor to their father and therefore the family's patriarch.
RP Sample: Apollo's long legs carried him easily through the muck, ground wet from spring rains churned to mud by the hooves of prey beasts he had neither seen nor smelled before. Despite the wetness it was easy to follow the scent he sought, that of the Abraxas. It was not Amon himself, but he had faith that where he found one Abraxas he would find his brother. Or signs of his brother, which meant only that he would take up his search once more.
And oh, what a fascinating land Amon had led them to. Wet, yes, but abundant with prey and plant life. They would prosper in this land until they could take up their rightful place in paradise, yes. The spawn of a God they might be but their mortal forms still required care, and this continent seemed ideal for it. Lifting his pale head suddenly he speared the wolf who had appeared before him with an icy gaze. Ah yes. Seth, the dwarf healer. "Where is my brother?" he rumbled, deep voice booming in demand.