
Young and Old ; New and Bold



4 Years
06-28-2017, 06:21 PM

Ganta was still working out the names for his ranks within his head. The main three ranks, he thought, had to be the most complex. The first two belonged to himself and Roza after all, and the third was going to belong to one of their children. The thought that she was going to bear him a litter had Ganta both excited and nervous… he had to do everything he could for his family to be. Roza, their pups… he’d protect them. Protect the members of Dragoste… but he knew he couldn’t do it all alone. No, each member would need to have their field of expertize. Wolves he could rely on.

That said he’d only reached out to one of the members of his new pack thus far. Inverno, the older male,was another that Ganta wanted to reach out to. He also had to find Caelum again and speak with her too. But for now Ganta was sure that speaking with the male was the right next step. Afterword he’d check on Roza… He’d been stressing over her even more ever since Forsaken had come along and maimed her. It made him feel sick… and he swore, Gods he swore, that Forsaken was going to pay. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure his blood relatives never hurt his true family.

Close to the center of the territory Ganta paused, tilting his head back go give a howl for the older man. He hoped Inverno was in the mood to talk… there was a lot he’d like to ask the man, and Caelum too if she came around and decided to join his pack after all. They both likely had wisdom to share in their older ages. They had the chance to slip into the tier three ranks by rights of simply age but… would they accept?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...