
The Same old Song and Dance



06-28-2013, 11:54 PM


.ooc. Before we finish this thread Song has to tell Aurora aout Cherokee ^^

Song enjoyed the quick showing of understanding affection as the larger white she wolf brought herself closer. With graceful movement Aurora's head was brought to Song's shoulder, the comforting gesture was not lost on the smaller girl. Her face was able to light up again and a smile was able to find its way to her pretty maw. Her words helped to chase the lingering sadness away, her outlook on what could have happened instead of what did happen. She was completely right too, she could have accidentally killed Novel. How different things would have been if that had actually happened. Her father would have never been able to forgive her, in fact he would have sent warriors after her their teeth hungry for blood.
She pushed the thoughts away, none of them happened so it was quite useless worrying about what could have happened. Aurora continued to giver her an even deeper look into her past, the thought of the beautiful she wolf being a killer was chilling. Song was just happy that she had gained the she wolf's quick friendship. The conversation took a quick turn towards a hunt and as Aurora removed her crown from Song's shoulder her ears perked up at the thought of hunting. Her stomach was a bit grouchy and with emptiness the storm had ruined her plans.
The eagerness in her face returned as she nodded in her agrement She would happily accompany the large wolf on a hunt. "That sounds like a perfect idea." she stated this happily as her frame was lifted from the ground, tail wagging slowly.

Tagged: Aurora | <3: Wolfie