
It's a Prickly Situation



6 Years
06-29-2017, 12:49 AM

Ana surveyed the boy for a brief moment. He was young, maybe six months or so, though it was really hard to tell these days. Varying sizes and then the growth spurts - he was halfway between that puppy and adult stage. He was kind of cute, in that little mortal way, but his age was the only factor that allowed her to try and be so nice to him. It was so easy to put on a facade around children. They were such gullible and weak little things. It would most likely take little or no effort to win him over and get him to be the talkative little thing she expected him to be.

She didn't miss the apprehensive look he gave her. Had mommy warned him not to talk to strangers? Maybe a cat just had his tongue, but either way he didn't talk at all. She gave him a moment to think her offer over. Finally a whine left his throat and the pleading look mixed with the obvious pain he was feeling was enough consent to get her to move towards him some more.

"This will hurt, but I will pull them out quickly so it'll be over before you know it."

She figured starting off with his leg was better. It would hurt a lot less than his sensitive face so she gripped the first one between her teeth and yanked it out as swiftly as she could. She continued in this fashion until all of them were out of his leg. She paused for a moment to look at him to see how he was faring before she started removing the ones embedded in his face. She removed them as swiftly as the ones in his leg and when it was all said and done she was left looking at a rather pathetic sight. He was bleeding and the crimson stained the ivory of his pelt. She still smiled at him sweetly and backed away a few steps to give him some space.

"There we go, that's better. Now, how about you enjoy your well earned kill and tell me your name?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]